********MISSION DETAILS FILE******** **********A MISSION BY BRS********** In The Heat of the Night Mission Series ***How to use: You must be running version 1.19p or 1.20 (Cov. Ops) to use this mission. Copy the enclosed .MIX file to your C&C directory, and start C&C. Select the "New Missions" button from the menu, and then select the mission name from the list and press OK. Enjoy! If the mission does not appear in the list, then move all SC-###.MIX files (except the enclosed one) out of the C&C directory into a temp directory, and try again. Because of the ease of use, no savegame is enclosed. Mission Name: Brother Vs. Brother Player: GDI Mission/Build level: 5 .MIX File name: SC-082.MIX Internal Mission number: SCG82EA Allies: GDI (GoodGuy) Enemies: NOD, NOO (BadGuy, Multi2) Neutrals: None Difficulty: Medium-Hard Map Size: 62x62 Theater: Winter Reinforcements: Yes Credits: Den Trooster Benny for MIXMAKER, Richard Heesbeen and Jerden Ritmeijer for CCMAP, Han Brunger for the C&C Mission Manual, and Michiel Prins and Barry Kalshoven for CCTOOLS Editors used: CCMAP, MIXMAKER, CCTOOLS, WinZip 6.1a beta 1.4 (32-bit) Mission Objective: Sit back and watch the fireworks, and then clean up whats left. Previous Missions: A Firebell in the Night (FIREBELL.ZIP), Secession Winter (SECESS.ZIP) The Story: ****See the text files for the previous missions so you can get the complete story**** Looks like we aren't the only organization who's having deep rifts in our forces. The controversey inside of NOD about whether or not Kane survived the destruction of the Temple has split NOD in two. NOD members, of course, believe that Kane survived the attack and is recuperating from his wounds and will return soon. NOO (The New Order of Oppression) believe that Kane kicked the bucket in the Temple, and have fallen behind a new leader, Able, who is calling for the elimination of the NOD traitors, and a sevenfold increase in the attack against GDI. This should be fun. In your sector, two NOD bases lie near each other. We were planning on attacking these bases later on when we had more forces to overcome them. That was before this NOD civil war. Now the bases are fighting each other! What we want you to do is this: Let the two bases hack at each other for all their might. Then, when their forces are worn down, jump in and finish them off. Or, if you feel like it, you can jump right in and kill them all yourself. Since NOO has the larger forces in this region, they are the primary target. Enjoy, commander. Author info: Bradley Stephenson 102637.247@compuserve.com http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/BStephenson What you can do with this file: Anything if credit is given Distribution rights: Anywhere, anytime, anyway, as long as credit is given (and all files in BROVSBRO.ZIP remain intact and unchanged) All files in BROVSBRO.ZIP copyright (C) 1996 Bradley Stephenson